Saraswati Education Society's
Gayadevi Joshi Aryabhataa Mahavidyalaya

Director's Message

Dear Students, I am glad to invite you to Gayadevi Joshi Aryabhatta Mahavidyalaya. Our Institute has always seen teaching as a way of transforming students life .

I hope you will discover that our work equates wit supporting an exciting environment for the creation, transfer and advancement of knowledge. I hope you’ll also notice that what we do is accomplished through professional and highly trained individuals whom we value as our most important institutional asset.

Our mission is to contribute to the economic well being and standard of life in the region of Vidarbha of the nation. We fulfill this mission by teaching and monitoring students who will enter the world with competence and confidence in areas of importance to the modern economy.

Gayadevi Joshi Aryabhatta Mahavidyalaya is modern thinking institution, offering a strong and challenging educational environment that prepares students to become productive contributors to a truly global society. Our students are provided with a stimulating environment to achieve their highest level of performance. Our Institute will enable you to master the skill necessary to Succeed in the 21st Century.

I am extremely proud of our heritage offering academic excellence in all programs of study and our commitment to provide personal attention to all students, Our Institute is an outstanding Institution, with a community of faculty comprising scholars dedicated to teaching and monitoring excellence. They will challenge you academically share their knowledge and interact with you on a one-to-one basis whenever required.

At the end of this message, I wish all of you realize your aspirations and career objectives.